Call for Presentations

The German OWASP Day 2024 is an application security conference with presentations on secure development, operation and testing as well as organization in the environment of web-based applications. Interdisciplinary, non-technical topics are also presented.

The conference is aimed at a German-speaking audience, presentations in English are welcome. Our audience are developers (“builders”), security testers (“breakers”), people who write web applications (“defenders”), IT security managers -- in short: the classic “security crowd”.

Presentations at OWASP conferences are vendor-neutral and without marketing. We offer vendors and service providers a suitable marketing platform as part of our sponsorship.

Deadlines and dates

CfP closes: September 22, 2024

Notification to submitters by October 7, 2024

Conference: November 13, 2024


We accept submissions exclusively online via Easychair. Please provide all relevant information:

  • Abstract (> 600 characters)
  • Short bio (< 600 characters)
  • Desired length of the talk (20, 40 or lightning talk of 10 minutes)
  • If available: Slide set or paper
  • Preferred presentation language

An detailed submission will help the program committee to make their decision.

General information

For presentation proposals we ask for a short abstract and, if available, a preliminary version of the presentation.
The abstract should not be less than 600 characters long. Please pay attention to spelling in all information you provide, as both will appear in the program as is.
Presentations are expected to last 20 or 40 minutes, plus 5 minutes of discussion. A preference on the length must be stated in the CfP.
In addition, there will probably be one or two slots with three lightning talks each: 10 minutes presentation, 2-4 minutes discussion.

All topics related to (web) application security are welcome, in particular:

  • Practically relevant technical presentations
  • “Hot topics” such as machine learning, AI / LLM and their security as well as their use in security
  • New research results
  • News on OWASP projects
  • Client application security: browser security and mobile applications
  • Server / cloud application security: containerization, DevOps, APIs
  • Security programs for developers, testers, architects and project managers
  • CISO topics, security management and organizational aspects
  • Secure development lifecycle
  • Application Security Testing: Code Review, Pentest, Dynamic and Static Code Analysis, Fuzzing, ...

The slides of the talks will be published under a free license on the conference website after the conference.
In addition, all talks will be recorded and published on the YouTube channel of the German OWASP Chapter.
If you do not wish to be recorded, please indicate this in the comments section of your submission.

Please choose either German or English as your presentation language. Please use the language you are fluent in.

The OWASP speaker agreement applies to all submitters.
In a nutshell: Please do not use a company slide deck, but a neutral one or one from OWASP. Company name and logo are welcome on one slide.

Please no “marketing pitches”; neither on the slides nor verbally. The slides must not contain any non-free content.

OWASP assumes no responsibility for compliance with respect to rights of third parties.

Travel and accommodation assistance

Admission to the conference is free of charge for speakers. All participants and speakers are cordially invited to the event the evening before. Upon request, OWASP will cover the travel expenses for one speaker per presentation from presentations >= 20 minutes (travel by train 2nd class within Germany, please contact us in advance for international travel) plus one hotel night (up to 150€).

For Lightning Talks, we are happy to pay for the train ticket on request (as above).


Dirk Wetter


Martin Johns


Henrik Willert


Jasmin Mair


Frederik Braun


Mario Heiderich


Sebastian Schinzel


Boris Hemkemeier


Jiska Classen
